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Showing posts from July, 2019


You know that volunteering is good for your community, Did you know its also good for your brain? Researchers have know for a long time that helping out others makes you feel better. Your brain produce dopamine and endorphins and other feel-good chemicals when you reach out to help. But a recent study conducted by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg school of public Health showed even longer-lasting benefits than that momentary glow of goodness. The study found that people who volunteered maintained or increased the size of their memory centers ( which usually decrease over time ). Volunteering also helped women in particular improve their physical health, which of course is crucial to brain health. Researchers theorize that these physical improvements could help improve executive function ( decision making). Another study showed that volunteers have lower blood pressure, which means less likelihood of stroke and other health problems . Key elements of brain-boosting Volunteering include w...


Folklore says green tea help you achieve deeper states of consciousness. specially during meditation. Science says green tea contains an amino acid called theanine, which aids in increasing concentration and attention while reducing fatigue and stress. The most popular and potent version of green tea is called matcha. To create matcha,  the plant is shaded form the sun for about three weeks  before harvest. Shading the plant increases the levels of theanine, The ground powder made from these shaded green tea leaves is mixed directly into hot water to create the drink. (Tea is usually made by infusion, where the leaves are strained from  the drink)  Drinking a mixture rather than an infusion allows your body to absorb more nutrients. Green tea contain also antioxidants and nutrients that improve your brain`s performance . Green tea also contains polyphenols, which may improve memory, learning and cognitive function. These articles may be used only for...


Trying to do a lot of things at once is supposed to be a sign that you are smart and productive. But new search shows that multitasking -- doing more than one task at a time --very big drawback. First , your brain cant actually multitask. What it does switch from one task to the other, back and forth, back and forth. The problem? Your brain doesn't preform as well when it is constantly distracted this way.  it is likely that the quality its efficiency of your work will suffer. for the vast majority of people its actually quicker for them to do tasks sequentially --plus they're less likely to make mistakes. A small percentage of people are actually good multitaskers -- their brains are capable of handling more than one task at the time --but you'd be wise not to count yourself among them.  in fact, one study showed that people who thought they were good at multitasking were actually the worst at it . Another study showed that people trying to deal with several t...


Keeping a daily journal --by hand, not on your laptop---benefits your brain. Recent studies show that writing by hand e nhances your memory, help both sides of your brain coordinate ( integrating information from both side of your brain help you improve your perception), and inspires thought and creativity because the slower process allows for reflection. You also use more of your brain, specifically the motor cortex, when you write instead of type. A stimulated brain is a healthy brain! writing by hand also help relieve stress, as repetitive actions can have a calming effect. This is particularly true if you write somethings calming, like five things you feel grateful for rather than all the ways you hat your boss. These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social media . They include extracts of copyright works copied under copyright licenses download or print from it for your own use. You may not dow...


Depression, which is a mood disorder that involves feeling sad and uninterested , affects many people, an episode of depression might be mild-it might be, for example related to a loss from which they gradually recover. For others, depression is so deep and long-lasting that even simple things like getting out of bed to shower become a monumental struggle. Of course it is bad for your brain to be mired in depression If you feel depressed. especially if the feeling goes on for many days and keeps you from your normal activities, getting professional help is your first step. In addition to seeking help, there are things you can do to help combat depression  Create structure. Give yourself as schedule, such as getting out of bed at a certain time, even if you do not feel like it, and eating on regular timetable.   Daily goals, like showering and getting dressed every day, are very helpful for combating depression. Go for a walk. Getting a little exercise even ju...


You know how you are always supposed to count to ten when you get angry? That is because giving yourself a little space before reacting can calm you down. instead of the original outburst you were going to make you are able to respond more calmly. The same idea holds true for counting your breaths. When you are upset, anxious, or worried, take a moment to focus on your breath. Don not worry about trying to control you breathing, just take a few deep breaths, then start counting; inhale + exhale = one breath. in a few moments you won`t be so stressed. This is because counting your breaths is a kind of mindfulness -you are keeping your focus on the present and not thinking about anything else that is happening. And mindfulness, as we know from many studies, is a practice that can help i mprove memory and build cognitive skills , No special mantra or meditation is needed, Just count to ten! These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your...


Your morning cup of coffee used to get a bad rap, All that caffeine! What where you thinking?  But theses days coffee has undergone a bit of rehab, Researchers have found its not such a shady character. in fact drinking a cup of coffee every morning can benefit your brain. Coffee does two things to help you. First, it reduce the production of the neurotransmitter adenosine by binding to its receptor. Adenonsine is a chemical that makes you feel tired, So you want adenosine at bedtime, but not when you have to go in there and ask the boss for a raise. Drinking a cup of coffee will make you fell more alert and focused. Second, caffeine keeps your brain form reabsorbing dopamine, a feel-good neurotransmitter . That means you feel happy for longer. One study showed that drinking coffee reduce depression among subjects --and even reduce suicidal tendencies. Some evidence also shows that coffee-drinking may help protect against Parkinson`s and Alzheimer's But of course you ...


Alzheimer's disease, a devastating type of dementia that cause problems with memory, thinking and behavior , has tow types; early-onset ( some times called younger-onset) and late-onset Alzheimer's is the culprit inmost cases of lost mental function in people over sixty-five Early-onset is much rarer. only about 5 percent of those who develop Alzheimer's shows signs of it before age  sixty-five. The brain of Alzheimer's patients contain distinctive, abnormally shaped proteins know as tangles and plaques. Tangles are found inside neurons while plaques typically form outside the neurons in adjacent brain tissue . Tangles and plaques most commonly afflict the brain areas related to memory. In the 1980s, researchers found that a compound in plaques know as amyloid protein may actually be poisonous to brain cells. More recent research suggests that a protein called tau may be responsible for the telltale tangles found in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. In healt...


You remember that old saying, " Let a smile be your umbrella"? Well we are not suggesting you give up your rain gear, But being optimistic- that is feeling generally positive and confident about the future and about succeeding at various goals you may have-has protective powers. Recent studies show a correlation between being optimistic and reduced anxiety. Optimistic people were shown to have a larger Obitofrontal cortex (OFC). The OFC is know to help regulate emotion. in face, if you experience a traumatic event ( and presumably get a ding to your optimism), your OFC loses heft. Chronic stress reduces the ability of brain cells to connect to the OFC and instead helps produce pathways to build it back up again,. Other studies show a connection between higher levels of optimism and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. being happy-go-lucky is better for your brain! The truth is, realistic people are more accurate about how the world actually works, but optimistic...


Stroke, the destruction of brain cells that  occurs when blood to the brain is cut off, can kill you ( it is the fifth leading cause of death in the US). If it doesn't kill you, it may leave you physically and /or mentally impaired permanently. Stroke can be caused by blood clots or harding of arteries ( atherosclerosis), although occasionally it is the result of trauma Your chance of a stroke increases dramatically after you hit fifty-five and continues increasing as you age. Current research from a log-term study greater risk for developing Alzheimer's Risk factors for stroke include High blood pressure  Heart disease Smoking High Cholesterol  Diabetes  If you have any of these risk factors, take concrete step to safeguard your brain 


You know smoking hurts your heart and your lungs, before you light up again, consider the risk to your brain, Recent research shows that smokers have a thinner cerebral cortex, the area of the brain responsible for thinking, memory, perception, and language. If you quit smoking, some of the damage can be reversed- although its better not to have smoked at all. Smoking also constricts blood flow to  your brain and makes your blood more prone to clotting, increasing your risk of stroke, in addition. nicotine damages the interior walls of blood vessels and makes them more susceptible to atherosclerosis ( hardening of the arteries). That also increases the chance of stroke. The good news? Your body starts repairing the damage withing days of that last cigarette. If you quit smoking now, you reduce your risk for dementia and other forms of cognitive decline. These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through s...


The psychologist Mihaly Csikezenthihalyi and a team of researchers at the University of Chicago were the first to describe and name the concept of flow, that state of concentration people get in to when they feel fully involved in what they are doing, In the flow state, people become less self-aware and less distracted by outside concerns like what time it is or how hungry they are, People describe it as ( losing yourself in the process or " being in the zone."Experiencing flow is an excellent way to de-stress your brain! Csikezenthihalyi 's work identified intrinsic motivation as key to the flow experience. people who have intrinsic motivation can find the positives even in difficult situations, making them happier, more optimistic and more creative than those who don't cultivate intrinsic motivation and  who are only motivated by external rewards, like getting a paycheck when you are in flow, your brain gets bathed in feel-good chemicals like dopamine and end...


Vitamin E, a natural antioxidant found in many food . diminishes the damage caused by free radicals, some evidence suggests that free radical damage to the neurons ( nerve cells) is at least partially responsible for the development  of Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin E has been shown to prevent free radical damage and delay memory deficits in animals studies. in a town year study of people with Alzheimer's disease, large doses of vitamin E slowed progression of the disease. That said, when taken by healthy people, large doses of vitamin E have not shown to prevent Alzheimer's disease, Vitamin E is considered nontoxic, even over the recommended dietary allowance ( RDA) levels, The UL ( upper limit) for vitamin vitamin E is set at 1,000 milligrams per day for adults over eighteen. Food rich in vitamin E include vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, wheat,  germ oil, peanut butter and green leafy vegetables. These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can...


Lets start this hack with a brief chemistry refresher. Remember how tiny particles called electrons, protons, and neutrons make up atoms? Atoms want their electrons to come in pairs, so as to stabilize themselves Unstable atoms ( or groups of atoms) have one or more unpaired electrons, in the body, these unstable atoms, called free radicals , try to complete themselves by stealing electrons form other atom s, this thievery can create a destructive chain reaction. Your body produces some free radicals as a result of natural chemical reactions. Stress, trauma, pollution, processed foods and drugs create others. Free radicals help your immune system do its work, but to many will damage and destroy normal healthy cells, free radicals are thought to contribute more than sixty different health conditions, including Alzheimer's To keep free radicals ( sometimes called oxidants) in check, you need antioxidants, which can be found in many vitamins and minerals. Antioxidant clean up rov...


How many time a week do you sit down to dinner with your family? If you're like most people, maybe once or twice a week, Other times, it is likely you eat in your car, at your computer, watching television or doing something else, But studies have shown that sitting down to dinner with your family has many benefits, people who plan and cook regular dinners eat more fruits and vegetables and get more vitamins and minerals, all of  which help keep your brain healthy, in contrast, restaurant meals tend to have more calories and fat ( in some cases portion size are double or more what is considered a serving). Not only do family dinner provide your body with better fuel, they improve relationships, which are a key part of maintaining a healthy brain,   spending time together as a family helps people feel they are loved and being. This isn't just true of children adults have the some experience of improved relationships with others members of the family studies have shown th...


Chronic stress elevates Cortisol levels , which is one of the main causes of brain cells death. A recent study found evidence of a like between the hormone cortisol and the speed of decline among Alzheimer's patients. Higher levels of Cortisol correlate with shrinkage of the brains hippocampus, which is associated with long-term memory Actions you take to reduce your stress, such as exercising and eating brain-healthy foods, reduce Cortisol levels, in addition, fish oil supplements and an herbal supplement called ( ashwagandha ) also called as Indian ginseng have both been shown to help reduce Cortisol levels, prebiotic and probiotic supplements show promise of reducing Cortisol levels as well. These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social media . They include extracts of copyright works copied under copyright licenses download or print from it for your own use. You may not download or make a furth...


Stress make you brain think you are in danger , It responds by maintaining a high state of alertness and producing chemicals called Glucocorticoids. If nothing tells your brain "The danger has passed" chemicals keep streaming through your blood, In effect, they become toxic to your brain. A brain on high alerts is focused on survival, and thus has no time for rest and regeneration!!! Stress has these key symptoms  Inability to relax Emotional instabilities / Mood swings  Headaches  Sleeplessness  Stress messes with your brain by: Create free radicals that kill you brain cells  Making you forget things  Intensifying your anxiety and irritability  Increasing you risk for mental illness, such as depression Shrinking your brain, Causing memory and decision-making problems  Allowing Toxins into your brain Escalating your likelihood of getting Alzheimer or dementia  Killing off brain cells prematurity Banish ...


W riting a to-do list may not seems like much of a brain booster, but it is figuring out your priorities and filtering out the nonessentials are higher level cognitive tasks, and practicing theses skills keeps your brain in top notch shape . Also translating a big-picture problem or goal (" Get ready to file taxes") into its smaller tasks ("find my W-2 and Get recommendations for which tax software to use") is another executive function making a to-do list creates mental space for doing other tasks, not just remembering the various thinks you have to do. plus using a to-do list can make your feel good . one study showed that you get a little dopamine rush every time you cross a task off your to-do list ( dopamine makes you feel good, elevating your mode ). You should list even small tasks just for the reward of marking through them. one researcher explained that the frequency of process is more important to your brain than how high the progress is, Practically sp...