You remember that old saying, " Let a smile be your umbrella"? Well we are not suggesting you give up your rain gear, But being optimistic- that is feeling generally positive and confident about the future and about succeeding at various goals you may have-has protective powers. Recent studies show a correlation between being optimistic and reduced anxiety. Optimistic people were shown to have a larger Obitofrontal cortex (OFC). The OFC is know to help regulate emotion. in face, if you experience a traumatic event ( and presumably get a ding to your optimism), your OFC loses heft. Chronic stress reduces the ability of brain cells to connect to the OFC and instead helps produce pathways to build it back up again,.
Other studies show a connection between higher levels of optimism and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. being happy-go-lucky is better for your brain!
The truth is, realistic people are more accurate about how the world actually works, but optimistic people protect their brains. So, choose optimism when you can. How? here are a few simple suggestions:
- Keep busy -dwelling on problem makes you less optimistic
- Use affirmations -doggone it, people like you!
- Acknowledge success -its easy to overlook when things go well.
- Use fewer negative words -stop yourself when you say "can`t or never".
- Seek help dealing with your past -put painful experience behind you.
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