Depression, which is a mood disorder that involves feeling sad and uninterested, affects many people, an episode of depression might be mild-it might be, for example related to a loss from which they gradually recover. For others, depression is so deep and long-lasting that even simple things like getting out of bed to shower become a monumental struggle. Of course it is bad for your brain to be mired in depression If you feel depressed. especially if the feeling goes on for many days and keeps you from your normal activities, getting professional help is your first step. In addition to seeking help, there are things you can do to help combat depression
- Create structure. Give yourself as schedule, such as getting out of bed at a certain time, even if you do not feel like it, and eating on regular timetable. Daily goals, like showering and getting dressed every day, are very helpful for combating depression.
- Go for a walk. Getting a little exercise even just a few times a week can help you brain produce the feel-good chemicals that will give you a lift.
- Eat right. You need good nutrition now more than ever.
- Make a change, Do something different. take a class, join a club think new thought.
- Get your shut-eye-- but not too much. Most people need seven to nine hours of sleep per night to function well. Depressed people often sleep more or less than this, Do you best to get the right amount of sleep.
- Do thing you used to find fun, enjoyable, or rewarding. Even if you do not find them that much fun now, do them anyway. You just have to keep trying
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