Your morning cup of coffee used to get a bad rap, All that caffeine! What where you thinking? But theses days coffee has undergone a bit of rehab, Researchers have found its not such a shady character. in fact drinking a cup of coffee every morning can benefit your brain. Coffee does two things to help you.
First, it reduce the production of the neurotransmitter adenosine by binding to its receptor. Adenonsine is a chemical that makes you feel tired, So you want adenosine at bedtime, but not when you have to go in there and ask the boss for a raise. Drinking a cup of coffee will make you fell more alert and focused.
Second, caffeine keeps your brain form reabsorbing dopamine, a feel-good neurotransmitter. That means you feel happy for longer.
One study showed that drinking coffee reduce depression among subjects --and even reduce suicidal tendencies. Some evidence also shows that coffee-drinking may help protect against Parkinson`s and Alzheimer's
But of course you can have too much of a good thing, Once you go over about 400 milligrams of caffeine per day-about four cups of coffee-the downside starts to outweigh the upside. For example, too much caffeine can give you migraines. it can cause insomnia, restlessness, and ( because it is a diuretic ) increased urination. Also drinking coffee on an empty stomach can cause heartburn, For some people, coffee makes them jittery and nervous. This is especially true for individuals who already have anxiety. If you experience any of these side effects, reduce your consumption.
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