Alzheimer's disease, a devastating type of dementia that cause problems with memory, thinking and behavior, has tow types; early-onset ( some times called younger-onset) and late-onset Alzheimer's is the culprit inmost cases of lost mental function in people over sixty-five Early-onset is much rarer. only about 5 percent of those who develop Alzheimer's shows signs of it before age sixty-five. The brain of Alzheimer's patients contain distinctive, abnormally shaped proteins know as tangles and plaques. Tangles are found inside neurons while plaques typically form outside the neurons in adjacent brain tissue. Tangles and plaques most commonly afflict the brain areas related to memory.
In the 1980s, researchers found that a compound in plaques know as amyloid protein may actually be poisonous to brain cells. More recent research suggests that a protein called tau may be responsible for the telltale tangles found in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. In healthy brains tau proteins gives neurons structural supports, but in Alzheimer's patient this structure support collapses in useless twists and tangles.To minimize your risk for Alzheimer's change your lifestyle to healthy one:good diet, lots of exercise, and plenty of mental stimulation.
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