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Showing posts from October, 2019


Your brain is about 60 percent fat and uses 20 percent of your body's metabolic energy plus 3 pound and uses 20 percent of blood, So it's not too surprising that you need some fat in your diet. Without it, your nervous system and metabolism aren't able to function normally. Fat help carry, absorb , and store the fat-soluble vitamins ( A, D, E and K ) in your bloodstream. But a diet that's too high in fat can damage synapses in the hippocampus area of the brain, the part that affects memory and learning. Moderate your fat intake by using some of the following tips. Choose low-fat or fat-free dairy products. Use low-fat dressing and limit buttermilk, ranch and blue cheese dressings. Use nonstick cooking sprays or nonstick pans and avoid frying anything in oil. Trim excess fat and skin from all meat and poultry. Choose foods based on amount of total fat and type of fat. Watch for hidden fats. Pizza topping, fried foods, ice cream, high fat mean( salami, bol...


You probably think the best time to tap into your creativity --to solve a problem or produce a work of art --is when you're sharpest and most alert. But research says that's not true .in fact people are generally more creative when they're tired (not exhausted, just tired). When you're tired your brain is not as vigilant about filtering out background information thought and stimulus that it normally wouldn't attend to. But creative work requires connecting different ideas together or thinking in new ways, which is more likely to happen when you're tired . creativity also requires imagination, which the thinking frontal lobe tends to suppress -except when it's tired. Looking for new insights? tackle them just before bedtime. These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social media . They include extracts of copyright works copied under copyright licenses download or print from it ...


Pumpkin seeds, also know as pepitas, nestle in the core of the pumpkin encased in a white-yellow husk. These super seeds contain a number of minerals, such as z inc, manganese, iron, copper, and phosphorus, along with proteins ,  monounsaturated fat, and the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids -all of which aid the brain in different ways. They also contain the amino acid glutamate, which helps the brain produce the anti-anxiety chemical GABA(gamma-aminobutyric acid).   Pumpkin seeds help improve memory and focus. You can use pumpkin seed as a garnish, and them to granola, or roast them and eat them by the handful. If you're not a huge fan of the seeds, pumpkin seed oil has many similar benefits These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social media . They include extracts of copyright works copied under copyright licenses download or print from it for your own use. You may not download or make a...


If you have hypertension or are at risk for it, reducing your blood pressure will help you brain. High blood pressure increase the risk of cognitive decline, because high blood pressure reduces blood flow to the brain. This causes change in your brain, which can be anything from mild confusion to severe memory loss. High blood pressure can also create the condition, such as blood cloths and weakening of the arteries, that cause stroke. protect your brain by keeping your blood pressure numbers in check.   Here are some step to take; First, find out if you have hypertension or are at risk. Many people don't realize they have high blood pressure  Eat right and exercise  Reduce stress Eliminate sodium  Keep tabs on your blood pressure home  Use prescription medications to lower blood pressure if needed  These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social media . They inc...


Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that help your brain communicate with your body . Low serotonin levels are associated with mood problem like anxiety and depression . On the other hand, too much serotonin cause nausea and diarrhea, Your body creates serotonin from the tryptophan you get from food . ( The first step is from the body to convert tryptophan to 5-HTP [ 5- hydroxy-tryptophan], which is then converted to serotonin.) Thus, the more tryptophan you eat, the more serotonin you brain will create . Serotonin itself won't cross the blood-brain barrier, so taking serotonin itself, such as in a supplement, doesn't help. Foods that provide tryptophan ( and thereby stimulate production of 5-HTP) include white-meat turkey, grand beef, cottage cheese, chicken thighs, pumpkin seed, milk, and almonds. You may remember from Thanksgiving that too much tryptophan from turkey will make you tired , so as with everything, moderation is key. You can also stimulate production of serot...


The Folks at Harvard did a study that showed that eating nuts can lead to increased life span . That's at least in part because nuts are good for your brain. Nuts are high in fat but they contain minerals, fiber, and nice amounts of protein, along with omega-3 fatty acids. Study show they can improve your cognitive performance and slow decline . Nuts are high in calories, and so they should be eaten in moderation, ; think of a serving as a tablespoon or two. Look for nuts that are unsalted; it's not important whether they are roasted or raw, although dry roasting is preferable to oil roasting. Nuts are great sprinkled on foods high in vitamin C, such as fruit and vegetables, becuase the vitamin C increases the body's absorption of the iron in nuts. The four best nuts for brain health  Walnuts  Almonds Hazelnut  Peanuts  These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social medi...


A recent study by Carnegie Melon University showed that feeling close to others, particularly through the sense of touch ( such as from a hug), help protect against stress-related diseases . People who had high sense of connection had more hugs and less conflict, and when faced with exposure to an infection they developed less servers symptoms, people who felt less socially connected suffered more physically. Researchers in Sweden found that even in high-stress occupation, stress-related illnesses could be reduced by social connectedness. and researchers at UCLA have shown that the stress-reducing effect of such connectedness occur whether you give the lover or get it. In addition to protecting against illness, hugs boost your happiness. Physical contact with someone you care about reduce anxiety levels, lowers cortisol ( the stress hormones) and encourages the brain to produce Oxytocin and dopamine, feel-good neurotransmitters that help lift your mood. Researchers have even co...


According to Daniel G. Amen, author the classic book Making a Good Brain Great, every thought releases brain chemical s. Positive, happy, hopeful, optimistic, and joyful thoughts produce yummy chemicals that create a sense of well-being and help your brain function at peak capacity; unhappy , miserable, negative, and dark thoughts have the opposite effect , effectively slowing down your brain and even creating depression. If you tend to focus on what can go wrong, or what is wrong or how unhappy you are, or how someone hurt you, these negative thought can dim you brain's capacity to function . They sap the brain of it's positive forcefulness. Dr. Amen suggest writing out negative thoughts to dispel their power over your brain  These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social media . They include extracts of copyright works copied under copyright licenses download or print from it for your own use...


Almost everyone has experienced anxiety at least once, whether it was because of an upcoming test or an impending financial stressor. So you know that having anxiety can put a damper on how you enjoy life. Those who suffer from more chronic or unexplained sources of anxiety ( generalized anxiety rather than situational anxiety) are at significant risk for depression, insomnia, and other brain-zapping conditions. Optimizing or boasting your anxiolytic ( antianxiety) response can help. For example taking supplements of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). an amino acid that has a calming effect on the nervous system, can result in: Relief from anxiety, shakiness, or other nervous tension  Improved sleep  and recovery sensation Less mental chatter  According to the National Institutes of Health ( part of the US department of Health and Human Services), the following herbs have shown effectiveness in reducing anxiety: Ginkgo biloba        ...


A number of studies have shown a connection between certain types of infections and stroke --that is, stroke can be a complication of another disease, such as flu or pneumonia. Preventing such infections in people who have risk factors for stroke is one obvious way to prevent stroke. A recent study by researchers at Columbia University showed that people with a medical history of more infections have more memory and other cognition problems that people with fewer infections. In other words, the more infections you have in your lifetime, the worse you do on tests of cognition. Chronic infections, such as those associated with herpes, were more problematic than acute infections, such as those associated with the common cold. Other studies have shown a link between infection and the progression of Alzheimer's. Although the reason why infections are connected to cognitive decline isn't clear, avoiding infection, particularly chronic infections, is one way to protect your brain...


Your know that healthy diet can help prevent all kinds of brain-related problem , everything from depression to dementia. Plus a healthy diet will help you live longer . An important key to a healthy diet is not just watching what you eat but watching how much you eat . Studies have shown that overeating may reduce brain function, even causing memory loss . You don't  need to weight and measure all of your food each day, though. Once you understand what a serving size is and can visualize it, you'll be able to eyeball your dinner and rightsize your portions. Keep in mind that portion size listed on package labels and in recipes don't necessarily reflect how you really eat, so in the beginning you may need to whip out the food scale to help calibrate your serving. Here are some shortcuts that will help you stay on track; A 3-ounce portion of cooked meat, poultry, or fish is about the size of a deck of playing cards. If you're eating rice or pasta, a good por...


A recent survey showed that about half of workers eat lunch at their desk include me! and many don't bother eating lunch at all. Are you one of those who dine by the glow of your computer screen? You should know that eating lunch at your desk is bad for your brain. In particular; Being sedentary hurts your brain! Sitting too long in one place strains your cardiovascular system, may cause you to gain weight and otherwise increases the likelihood that you'll end up with a stroke or other health problems Socializing with your coworkers is good for your brain . Instead of eating lunch alone, go out with your fellow wage-slaves-even the one you don't like very well. Note only does socializing make your brain happy, it will probably help you do better at work. Taking a break feeds your brain! Give yourself somethings to look at besides your cubicle walls and something to think about other than that report you're working on. Coming back to your work refreshed and...


Don't shy , just ask for water, if you have been invited at  five star restaurant. Simple dehydration -not drinking enough water - can cause the brain to react in strange ways . Symptoms of dehydration include fogginess, dizziness and lack of concentration . Water is one of the most abundant substances in your body, and it is the nutrient your body needs in the greatest amounts -- between 55 and 75 percent of your body weight is water. Water plays a vital role in almost every major function in the body. It transports nutrients and oxygen to the brain and carries wast products away from the body cells . The brain is 73 percent water, so if it's going to keep on functioning properly, that water has to be replenished. The body has no provision to store water. On average, we lose about 10 cups of water each day just through perspiration, breathing, urination and bowel movements. This does not include hot days or exercise sessions when perspiration drains away even more ...


You may think your brain controls your body, but it doesn't do the job all by itself. Researcher are learning about the importance of he enteric nervous system -- that is, the nerves that line your alimentary canal (mouth to butt). Your gut health doesn't just keep your body working smoothly , if affects your mood! and this goes beyond feeling bad about your upset tummy. You know how meeting someone special can give you "butterflies in your stomach"? That is an emotional signal from your enteric nervous system . In fact the vast majority of the serotonin in your body is found in your belly. New understanding about your gut affects mental and physical health has created the field of neurogastroenterology. What does that mean for you? Right now, researchers are still trying to figure out how the gut and the brain work together, but it's clear that taking care of gut issues, like treating irritable bowel syndrome, will help protect your brain and you mood. Th...


If you love chocolate, you already know eating it makes you happy , But did you now it's a lso good for your brain? A recent study found that people who ate chocolate at least once a week t ended to have improved cognitive function . Those who ate more chocolate scored better on tests of memory and abstract thinking. Cocoa beans contain an antioxidant called Cacoa flavanols that may actually reverse some cognitive decline and help the brain work under demanding circumstances. But if you're going to eat chocolate for the brain benefits, don't skimp on quality. Since it's the cocoa beans that provide the protection  for your brain, you want a chocolate that's higher in cocoa butter . Inexpensive chocolate are often blended with wax and contain very little really cocoa butter . Inexpensive brands are also made with partially hydrogenated palm oil, preservatives, and high amounts of sugar, which are bad for your overall nutrition. Quality chocolate, on the othe...


A 2017 study by the university of Leicester is bad news for many drivers; spending more than two hours a day driving hurts you brain! One reason driving is bad is bad for you is because it's a sedentary activity, and being sedentary is hard on you overall health (particularly you cardiovascular system). But it turns out that driving also shut down your brain. Subjects in the study actually lost IQ points when they regularly drove long distances (such as daily commutes). People who did little or no driving had less decline in their cognitive powers. Researcher theorize that in addition to the sedentary problem associated with lost of driving, driving causes stress and fatigue , and then link between stress . fatigue and cognitive decline is fairly well established. If your daily commute requires two or more hours a day behind the wheel, it's time to move closer to your work -- or find new job, plus walk for a while take a break and walk for 15 minutes. These articles m...


Swimming is both fun and good for you brain. It's aerobic, which means it increases blood flow to your brain improving cognitive function . But unlike other aerobic exercise that is done on land, swimming is done in the water (okay, maybe that was obvious). The increase resistance of water boosts the benefits. One study shows that swimming increased blood flow to cerebral arteries by about 10 to 20 percent as compared to aerobic exercise done on land. One study also showed that swimming may have anti-depressive effects . Aerobic exercise in general can help generate new brain cells and repair damaged ones, and swimming fires up the whole brain; you use both hemispheres and all four lobes to swim. Keeping the entire brain active is one way to help improve cognition. Dive on in for brain benefits! These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social media . They include extracts of copyright works copied und...


Spending time with Friends and loved ones makes you feel good. It increases you sense of happiness and well-being and decreases the likelihood of depression. Connecting with others can also help you ward off dementia. Research has shown the more isolated you're (socially speaking), the more likely you're to develop dementia. Other studies show that people who spend time socializing do better on memory tests and other learning. Keep you brain strong and vital isn't just a one person job it takes a village. Throw a party, chat with your friends, share a meal with your kids. It'll help keep you brain youthful!  Here some other ideas for socializing that don't require a lot of preparation and planning Go to religious services  Take a class Talk with your neighbors  Join a community group  Skype, what's up, if you must but don't replace all of your in-personal interactions with screen interactions. Being in the physical presence of the other ...


Vitamin C, an antioxidant, boosts the effectiveness of other antioxidants. It also helps your brain manufacture neurotransmitters such as dopamine and acetylcholine. In short, a daily does of vitamin C can boost and maintain mental acuity. o important is vitamin C to proper brain function that it is being evaluated as a possible nutritional preventative for Alzheimer's disease. From the point of view of your brain, vitamin C can help; Prevent mood swings  Increase your intelligence Protect your brain against deterioration Guard against free radicals  vitamin prevents the oxidation of LDL or "bad" cholesterol and thereby decreases the risk for plaque formation, which can clog arteries and lead to a heart attack or stroke. Vitamin C protects vitamin E from oxidation and may also prevent blood  vessels from constricting and thus cutting off blood supply to the brain. Studies have shown that 1,000 to 2,00 milligrams of vitamin C per day can help keep arteries...


Your brain, like your boss, prefers successes to failure. When it has a success, it released "Dopamine" a feel-good neurotransmitter. This actually helps you remember what you did right so you can repeat it. In contrast, when you fail, you don't get the nice dopamine reward- and so you brain can't quite figure out what you did wrong. Despite what all those motivation gurus say, failure does't actually teach you much. Success is how you learn. The more successful your over time, the more your brain wants you to be successful and it causes your brain to released dopamine.  For example, every time you get some aerobic exercise, make it on a calendar when you review the calendar you'll see a series of successes and you brain will be motivated to continue succeeding. in other words, you can use your brain to help your brain stay healthy!  These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through soc...


Your brain is lazy ( Everyone's brain is lazy.) It want to lie there like a lizard in the sun instead of actually working. That's one of the reasons why you make the same old meals week after week when you could try a new recipe every night for the rest of you life and still not get to the end of all the cookbooks on your shelf. To give your brain a kick in the pants, go ahead and try something new. If you eat a lot of Italian, Indian, Afghani make something such as (Qabili Palaw) you can YouTube the recipe and you'll more fully engage your brain figuring out a new recipe, working with different ingredients, and learning new cooking skills and techniques. Plus eating a variety of foods prepared in a variety of ways helps make sure your brain is getting the whole rang of micronutrients it needs. These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social media . They include extracts of copyright works co...