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Showing posts from September, 2019


Once upon a time, people believed that you use only 10 percent of your brain , that when you were born you had all the brain cells you were ever going to have, and that some people are left-brained and some people are right-brained (Do you still believe that one? Lots of people do. but it's not true.) Image shows that we are using almost 100% of our brain , especially when we are writing! I am sure you not forget the article named " Write instead of type ".  Our understanding of the brain is always changing. So it might be that some of the brain hacks we've noted in this "Research web blog" will someday prove to be untrue, or that new research might cast doubt on previous conclusion. What's brain-centric person to do? The answer is that the more brain-support things you do, the better result you ge t. That's way, if it turns out that one brain hack isn't effective ( maybe blueberries aren't the super-food we think they are), you'l...


Changing your thinking is the single most important things you can do to improve your health. How you think determines what you eat; how often you exercise ; how you react to stress, your mood, your goals, ambitions, and disappointments, the risks you take, and how much sleep you get. in short, healthy thinking is what keeps you well. Doctor don't fully understand the link between thinking and health, but most agree that with you mind, you can boost your immune system, recover from surgery quicker, reduce pain, and live longer. in 1969, Dr Carl Simonton and his wife, a psychologist, led research in the use of visualization in cancer treatment. Patients who were encouraged to imagine with blood cells destroying the bad cancer cells lived comparatively longer than those who did not practices imaging. Think positive if you want to stay healthy  These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social medi...


For a while there everyone was doing crosswords to stave off Alzheimer's but current research says they don't help overall cognition or memory. They're fun, so feel free to continue, but to really boost your brain, you should solve real-word problems, For example, instead of just writing down your grocery list, create a mental picture of the grocery store and organize your list according to what aisle you'll start with and which you'll end with. Or you could alphabetize all the groceries or memorize the list or something similar, T he point is to do something that wakes up your brain. The problem is that many of the activities we do throughout the day are repetitive --we drive to the same grocery store to buy the same foods to cook in the same recipes. S o by engaging your brain more, you'll help boost cognition . These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social media . They in...


Vitamin B1, also called thiamine, is a potent antioxidant - which you probably remember as the thing that fights damaging free radicals . Thiamine helps the body use carbohydrates effectively, so it's essential to metabolism --in fact, it is used to treat problems with metabolism. A serious deficiency in vitamin B1 can even result in dementia! Brain problems associated with vitamin B1 deficiency include confusion, memory loss, and mood changes such as apathy. Some evidence supports the the belief that thiamine can help increase energy and improve learning. People who drink a lo of alcohol have a high risk of B1 deficiency. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for adult is 1.1 milligrams per day for women and 1.2 milligrams per day for men. Researchers don't  have enough information on adverse effects to set a UL (upper limit). You can find vitamin B1 in yeast, meat, nuts, beans, and in cereal grains like oats and rice. These articles may be used only for Education...


  Human by definition is a thinking creature;  rationality is the point from biology standpoint we are rational animals, which possesses or capability of thinking, perceiving, believing, accepting, rejecting, and reasoning and so on. Human is a thinking center! Whatever creativity or innovation we can see around us are, someone has thought or imagined. If we close our eyes or put earbags does not mean that we have stopped the source of contemplation! Don’t forget that I have mentioned “perceiving” sensation. Therefore we are different than other animals or creature, people are curies or tend to know more than what he/she knows. If I lock you in the room with the three doors and tell you do not even think about opening those two doors, human by nature instantly start thinking what is behind those doors? And how to open it? But you supposed to not thinking!   ' Albert Quote' Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them ! Whether you call it genetic or nature, we ...


It turns out that those people who are always advising you to smile are right --smiling makes you feel better and improve your mood! ( The truth of this matter does not negate the face that anyone who tells you to smile is an annoying jerk. We fully agree, although we know that since we just told you to smile, that means we're the annoying, jerks...) A Penn state study showed that people who smiled were perceived as more likable, more polite, and even more competent than those who did not, Other studies have shown that when you smile, You fool your brain into thinking so many Eeyore thoughts and you are more likely to perceive in the world around you. One researcher suggest that smiling can even help protect you brain from stress. So put on a happy face! These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social media . They include extracts of copyright works copied under copyright licenses download or print...


Study have shown that eating apples may help prevent stroke , The active ingredient in apple pulp is pectin, a soluble form of fiber that helps reduce "bad" cholesterol by keeping it in the intestinal track until it is eliminated. European studies indicate that apple pectin can help to eliminate lead, memory, and other toxic heavy metals from the human body ( heavy metals are believed to affect cognition and behavior). Quercetin, a polyphenol found in apples, is believe help repair damage from free radicals. And apples also help your brain produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, important to muscle control and for promoting REM sleep. It's important to thoroughly wash apples and to avoid eating the seeds, which can be poisonous. Do eat the peel --that's where most of the nutrition resides . ( But choose organic so you're not eating pesticides!) All apples provide nutrients, but eating a variety of apple opes is the best way to ensure you're getting...


This is your brain on drugs, Now don't roll your eyes, We know you've heard this before, but it bears repeating, Use of illicit drugs like heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine is very hard on your brain. Not only addiction and drug tolerance make  you crave the drug in ever-increasing quantities, they create potential legal, social, and personal safety issues. But the worst risk is how long-term illicit drug use alters you brain. It impairs your cognition, making decisions, understanding situations, or knowing what to do. Your memory is affected and you will have more trouble controlling your behavior. And that's even when you'r not taking the drug you can't reverse this damage to your brain once it's done. And when your're under the influence, all of these problems are magnified. If you don't use illicit drugs now, don't start. If you do use these drugs, the good news is you can keep your brain problems from getting worse by getting help and ...


Acupuncture, a form of treatment in traditional chines medicine, is the process of inserting slender needles slightly under the skin at various points of the body in order to balance the flow of energy (chi)  throughout the body. Traditionally, chi was believed to be blocked in ill people and acupuncture helped get it moving again. Whether you believe in the literal existence of chi or not, acupuncture can nonetheless help keep your brain healthy. Researchers have found that acupuncture can benefit people who are experiencing depression, anxiety, and other brain problems including insomnia. some researchers believe that your brain releases feel-good neurotransmitters in reaction to the needles, although there isn't complete agreement on how acupuncture works. One study showed that people treated with acupuncture had less anxiety and a better memory afterward, as compared to a control group that didn't undergo acupuncture. For mood disorders, acupuncture can work immediatel...


Also known as pyridoxine and pyridoxal, Vitamin B6 helps the brain work properly, enables the body to resist stress, helps maintain the proper chemical balance in the body's fluids , works with other vitamins and minerals to supply the energy used by muscles, and is influential in cell growth. Like other B vitamin, B6 helps convert sugar into glucose , which the brain need for fuel. It also benefits general circulation, which can improve memory, Older people need substantially more B6 than younger people, so the older you get, the more you will want to add to your diet. Vitamin B6, in conjunction with folate ( another B vitamin) and other vitamin B12, helps to lower blood levels of homocysteine, a risk factor for heart disease. The recommend dietary allowance ( RDA) for vitamin B6 is 2.2 milligrams for men and 2.0 milligrams for women. pregnant women need an additional 0.6 milligrams each day, and breastfeeding women need an extra 0.5 milligrams daily. Don't exceed 100 m...


Heat injury, also called hypothermia, happens when you body overheats. Often this occurs when people work hard outdoors during hot weather, but it can also occur just by being exposed to excessive heat or by being stuck indoors, in a room with poor ventilation. In such situation, a range of heat injuries can occur, with heatstroke ( a body temperature of 104☉F or more) being the most damaging. Heatstroke is a medical emergency and the damage to brain (and other organs) can be permanent.The damage to the brain can include problems with cognition, memory, and focus, Longer periods of exposure mean worse outcomes, so if you experience symptoms of heat injury, such as rapid breathing, nausea, headache, muscle cramps, or altered mental state, take shelter immediately and call 911. Cool down with a cool bath, ice packs, or the garden hose. These situations contribute to the likelihood of heat injury; Wearing too much clothing for the conditions  Working in areas with elevate...


When you have been thinking of someone, then the phone rings and it is them, do you dismiss the event as a coincidence? When you hum a song, turn on the radio, and same songs is playing, do you shrug and make it down to luck?  If you think you have Extrasensory Perception (ESP) , THAT IS IT! There's a good chance you're right Just about everyone has it, but it is woefully underdevelopment. Unexplained events like those just mentioned are merely a glimpse of the potential in all of us. The renowned psychic Edgar Cayce believed that ESP is a "natural ability of the soul. According to the association for research and enlightenment. ESP is " the ability of receive or send information not using the five sense of sight, sound , taste, touch, and smell " That's why ESP is often called "six sense". It falls roughly into five categories telepathy ( mind to mind communication ); clairvoyance ( literally "clear vision" -the ability to see...


An estimated 25 percent of people between ages sixty and seventy are deficient in B12, an essential nutrient. So are nearly 40 percent of people eighty and older. A B12 deficiency may be mistaken for an age-related decline in mental function, including memory loss and a reduction in reasoning skills , and may affect mood. Some potential benefits of B12 supplements include the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and dementia, sleep disorder, and diabetic nephropathy. It is important to know that a deficiency of this vitamin can be hidden, and even progress, if extra folic acid is taken to treat or prevent anemia, There are no known toxic effects of taking large doses of vitamin B12 but neither is there any scientific evidence that extra vitamin B12 brings extra benefits. Vitamin B12 has no established UL  ( upper limit) To hedge your bets, take a multivitamin tablet daily. These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and f...


The best ways to protect your brain from injury is to avoid injury in the first place . If it doesn't kill you, traumatic brain injury can cause memory problem, thinking problem, seizures, paralysis, and more, about short and long term. Think about the tasks you perform each day and resolve to do them in a way that protects your brain. For example when you`re driving, wear your seat-belt and drive defensively. Sure, you may be justified in your road rage, but an accident ( or a confrontation) can be bad for your brain! At home, use handrails, take your time going up and down steps, use an actual ladder instead of a chair. Falls and auto accidents are the two most common causes of traumatic brain injury (TBI), according to (hitting and object or being hit by it, such as when playing sports), and physical violence ( such as assault) are the next most common. Sometimes warfare ( where a firearms attack or bomb blast can cause TBI). Put your safety first and protect your brain!...


Protein supplies the amino acids your brain needs to produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which helps regulate moods. Put simply, you need protein for happiness.  However, when it comes to protein, your body used only what it needs and stores the extra as body fa t . eating large amounts of protein, especially from animal foods, can increase your saturated fat ( bad fa t) and cholesterol intake. It can also cause you to crowd out other important foods, such as grains, fruits, and vegetables, creating a nutritional imbalance. When you body digested protein, it produces toxic by-products. The kidneys filter these toxins out. So eating too much protein strains your kidney. Also, consumption of excess protein requires more water to increases the chances of dehydration and increases the need of urinate. Athletes need only slightly more protein than the recommended dietary allowance ( RDA). Generally, non-athletes needs 1/2 gram per pound of body weight, and most athle...


A preliminary study in the Journal of Neuroscience found that grape seed extract may help prevent plaque formation in the brain , which is associated with Alzheimer's There is also some deviance that it can protect against brain Injury in the case of stroke, both before and after a stroke event, and that is may protect against neurotoxins. Grape seed extract contains antioxidants, which help prevent free radicals form damaging brain cells.  it also has other brain-protecting compounds and can cross that blood-brain barrier. Taken as a supplement, it is generally believed to be safe but should be avoided by children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, and people who are allergic to grapes. Consult with your health-care provide if you are taking other drugs or have high blood pressure or a bleeding disorder. side effects may include headache or nausea. These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through ...


Vitamin A, an antioxidant, helps protect brains cells from harmful free radicals and benefits the circulatory system so blood flow to the brain remains strong.  Vitamin A is essential to memory and learning. It also promotes healthy cells and tissues. Vitamin A comes in several forms. Retinol, known as preformed vitamin A, is found in animal foods. Another form of vitamin A is group  called carotenoids, which include beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is the carotenoid most readily converted by the body into vitamin A. Food rich in vitamin A ( retinol) include beef liver, fish oil , and fortified foods such as milk. Foods rich in A ( beta-carotent) include sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, spinach, apricots, cantaloupe, broccoli,  and winter squash.  Most supplements break down vitamin A into beta-carotene and retinol on their labels. Too much retinol can led to headaches, dry and scaly skin, bone and joint, liver damage, vomiting, loss of appetite abnormal bone gr...


It may not do any favors for your dating life, but pilling on the onions can help protect your brain , A recent study showed that certain chemical compounds found in onions may help protect the brain from stroke damage . Onion are know to contain antioxidants that can remove free radicals ( which are especially hard on your brain). Onions also have polyphenols, which are linked to improved cerebral blood flow and metabolism , and other falovnoids that help protect the brain against toxins. And onions are full of vitamin C, vitamin B6, and folate, nutrients that help protect your brain. So apologize to your date and crunch an onion. These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social media . They include extracts of copyright works copied under copyright licenses download or print from it for your own use. You may not download or make a further copy for any other purpose. Failure to comply with the terms of ...


Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, plays a key role in releasing energy from macronutrients to all cells of the body. It also helps change the amino acid trypophan into niacin, another B vitamin. Riboflavin contributes to normal growth, production of certain hormones, formation of red blood cells, and never function. The metabolic function of B vitamins ( releasing energy from micronutrients ) is particularly crucial to brain health. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin B2 is 1.6 milligrams for men aged twenty-three to fifty, 1.4 milligrams for men fifty-one and older, 1.3 milligrams for women up to age twenty-two, and 1.2 milligrams for women twenty-three and older. Pregnant women require an additional 0.3 milligrams daily, and women who are breastfeeding require and extra 0.5 milligrams. Riboflavin has no established UL ( upper limit), but moderation is always best. Food rich in riboflavin include: Beef liver Enriched-grain foods  Green leafy v...


Melatonin, which you may know as the sleep hormone, can help protect your brain. Some research indicates that melatonin can help keep brain cells from dying , which is good news for people with strokes, Alzheimer's and other brain -cell destroying diseases. Melatonin is an antioxidant ( it sucks up those nasty free radicals ) and can help calm inflammation of neurons, which can help keep your brain healthy. And of course, your body produces melatonin to help you sleep, which is good for your brain. For many years, people have taken melatioin supplements to help them fight insomnia.  One study suggest that melatonin may help reduce brain swelling in cases of traumatic brain injury, although the evidence is preliminary. It is also being studied as a potential treatment for injuries to the central nervous system, such as spinal cord injuries. A different study suggests that melatoin can help protect brains in people with prakinson`s. It can also help reduce the effect of...