Once upon a time, people believed that you use only 10 percent of your brain, that when you were born you had all the brain cells you were ever going to have, and that some people are left-brained and some people are right-brained (Do you still believe that one? Lots of people do. but it's not true.)
Image shows that we are using almost 100% of our brain, especially when we are writing! I am sure you not forget the article named " Write instead of type". Our understanding of the brain is always changing. So it might be that some of the brain hacks we've noted in this "Research web blog" will someday prove to be untrue, or that new research might cast doubt on previous conclusion. What's brain-centric person to do? The answer is that the more brain-support things you do, the better result you get. That's way, if it turns out that one brain hack isn't effective ( maybe blueberries aren't the super-food we think they are), you'll still have benefited because you've also exercised, volunteered, and eaten your carotenoids. In other words, the more you do to help keep your brain healthy, the better result you'll get.
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