The best ways to protect your brain from injury is to avoid injury in the first place. If it doesn't kill you, traumatic brain injury can cause memory problem, thinking problem, seizures, paralysis, and more, about short and long term. Think about the tasks you perform each day and resolve to do them in a way that protects your brain. For example when you`re driving, wear your seat-belt and drive defensively. Sure, you may be justified in your road rage, but an accident ( or a confrontation) can be bad for your brain! At home, use handrails, take your time going up and down steps, use an actual ladder instead of a chair. Falls and auto accidents are the two most common causes of traumatic brain injury (TBI), according to (hitting and object or being hit by it, such as when playing sports), and physical violence ( such as assault) are the next most common. Sometimes warfare ( where a firearms attack or bomb blast can cause TBI). Put your safety first and protect your brain!
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