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Showing posts from August, 2019


One of the best ways to strengthen your brain is to exercise it physically and mentally --at the same time. exercising your brain by thinking --working out problems--is beneficial. And exercising your brain by taking if for a walk is also good . The Hippocampus, the part of the brain concerned with memory, grows as your body gets fitter. But now German scientists have shown that if you do both at the same time, you reap even greater benefits. For example, if you bicycle or walk while learning a new language, the vocabulary tends to stick in your memory longer. Note that this is not the same as multitasking, where you are trying to do two mental activities at once, like reading a book while listening to a lecture. its the combination of physical and mental activity that is the key! These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social media . They include extracts of copyright works copied under cop...


                                  Eat food as a medicine, not medicine as a food!  A study shows that eating exactly seven walnuts a day boosts your brain power . Researchers show that spending at least sixty-eight minutes a day doing aerobic exercise is best for your brain. The list goes on. The number of best practices for your brain is long and a little daunting. Learning how to pick the " better " option instead of struggling to attain the " best " one can help. Trying to achieve protection is the enemy of making progress. Sure, maybe ninety minutes of aerobics a day is ideal, but a brisk thirty-minutes walk every afternoon is much better than remaining glued to the sofa . Think of it this way: there`s a poor choice, a better choice, and best choices. You want to avoid the poor choice, pick as many best choices as you can, and for the rest, go with " better"   It`s better for your br...


A study of male Harvard graduates compared longevity rate of major athlete ( meaning those who lettered in a particular sport), minor athletes ( those who participated but didn't letter), and nonathletes. It was assumed that the major athletes, who presumably exercised the hardest, would have the greatest longevity, but in fact, it was the minor athletes who lived the longest. What does this means? for starters, when it comes to life-extending physical activity, moderation is best. there`s no need to train like an Olympic athlete, because too much is just bad as too little.  Studies suggest that overexercising actually decreases the number of new brain cells your body creates. In one study, rats that overexercised produced half as many brain cells as rats who hadn't even exercised at all. Of course rats are not people, but researchers theorize a correlation to human overexercising.  The key is to strengthen and maintain your body`s and brains system,...


Do not stick to just one type of exercise , like aerobics, to build your brain cells. A 2016 study showed a correlation between weight training and dramatically improved cognitive function in a group of older adults suffering cognitive decline. Stretching exercise alone didn't help . Most health specialists say thirty minutes of weight training a week is sufficient to maintain optimum health. Weight training can vastly improve muscle strength , balance, and flexibility --all of winch are good for your brain These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social media . They include extracts of copyright works copied under copyright licenses download or print from it for your own use. You may not download or make a further copy for any other purpose. Failure to comply with the terms of this warning may expose you to legal action for copyright.


Regular physical exercise keeps your mentally strong . Research recommend clocking at least twenty minutes a day, but thirty minutes to one hour daily is better. Aerobic exercise such as running or swimming helps get the blood coursing through you system, carrying oxygen and glucose to your brain --two substances your brain cannot do without. Regular exercise also can prod the brain to make more molecules that help protect and produce neurons ,Through studies are still underway to establish the link between exercise and increased brain neurons, many researchers including those involved with Alzheimer's disease research -- are studying the protective effects of regular physical exercise on the brains neural paths for transmitting singles . According to the US office of Disease prevention and health promotion, physical activity guidelines suggest that 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week can lower the risk of premature death, coronary hearth disease, str...


At any given time, as many as 40 percent of workers hate their jobs. You may think that`s the trade-off you make for being able to pay the mortgage -- bit hating your job is bad for your brain.  Although we tend to think that jobs are supposed to suck, people who enjoy their work over all tend to be more proactive and successful. An Ohio State University study showed that people who felt unsatisfied in their jobs had higher levels of depression and insomnia. They also worried more than people who enjoyed their jobs. something else to think about: how stimulating your job is. Jobs that require little mental engagement or which require a lot of alone time tend to be worse for your brain .  A report by the University of Wisconsin showed that jobs that require complex social interaction actually help prevent Alzheimer's . Jobs that require thinking on your feet also help protect the brain. So, take a good look at your job. is it helping or hurting your brain? These ar...


That`s right: laugh is the best medicine- for both minds and our bodies . For one thing. a good sense of humor provides needed stress relief, when we laugh at our problems rather than fret over them, they can feel less serious and thus seems easier to solve. Humor also improves cognitive function by keeping the mind active and encouraging creative thinking --a vital defense against age-related impairments ---and it provides an important emotional catharsis during periods of emotional tension. Laughing also benefits the heart. improves oxygen flow to the brain, lower your blood pressure, and works the muscles in the head,neck chest, and pelvis -- in much the same way as the stress-reduction exercises of yoga. This helps keep muscles loos and limber and enable them to rest more easily. When you lough, your body activates T cells , which help you fight off disease. So rent a funny movie, go to a comedy club, or watch a comedy show and laugh! These articles may be used only for E...


Turmeric ( Curcuma langa), sometimes called curcumin, is a common ingredient in curry powder and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine mostly for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers became interested in the brain-protecting properties of the herb because people in India, who tend to eat a lot of curry and thus turmeric, have lower rates of Alzheimer's than people in other countries who don`t eat the spice or who don`t eat as much of it. One recent study showed that turmeric may help the brain repair itself and grow new cells, which could help in the treatment of neurological disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Another study showed that the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric may help heal brain damage in Alzheimer's   patients, An analysis of various studies of turmeric shows that it may help lower cholesterol ( and therefore may help lesson the change of stroke) and that it may prevent neurotoxicity by bin...


Your brain needs iron. Iron helps with cognitive functions --for example, children who have an iron deficiency tend to do worse on math and language tests . Recent studies show that even minor levels of iron deficiency can have negative effects on brain function. Iron is necessary for the production of myelin, the insulating sheath around neurons ( nerve cells), which helps speed the rate at which cells convey impulses. Without appropriate myelination, the nervous system, including your brain, can not function correctly. If you have an iron deficiency, you may need to rely on supplementation rather than diet to raise your iron content to normal levels, But do not  overdo it. Taking iron supplements can cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, dark-coloerd stools, and /or abdominal distress. To minimize these side effects, follow your doctor's recommendations and take with food. These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  ...


Although raw food proponents claim that when you cook food you destroy its nutritional value, research shows that sometime the opposite is true. Several studies show that cooking food actually helps people access the nutrition in it, For example, one carotenoid, lycopene, is hard for the body to absorb from uncooked food. one study showed that people who ate raw diets had low levels of lycopene. Cooking also allows other antioxidants to become more freely available. Carotenoids and antioxidants are essential to brain health. However, it is true that some vitamins are lost during the cooking process, such as vitamin C and some B vitamins. But overall, cooking improves the bioavailability of nutrients.   By occasionally eating raw food you can balance the nutrition you`r getting. steaming and boiling are the healthiest choices, Although if roasting is what it takes to get you to eat your veggies, then do it! These articles may be used only for Educational Purp...


Did you know that exercise has been shown to help combat major depression ? It is true. Exercise produces feel-good chemicals, such as endorphins, that help boost mood . Endorphins are neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that help your nerve cells send signals . Endorphins protect your from feeling pain and help elevate your mood. Exercise isn't they only way to prompt your brain to reward you with those beneficial chemicals, though. You can also stimulate their production by smelling certain aromas, like lavender. Or you can eat something spicy. The burning sensation caused by capsaicin, prompts that brain to release endorphins. Not a fan of spice? Any of your favorite foods can help move your happiness needle up a natch. These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social media . They include extracts of copyright works copied under copyright licenses download or print from it for your own use. You m...


For all the good that connecting with old friends on social media can create, it can also do bad things for your brain. You've probably had that experience where you go to check Facebook for just a few minutes and three hours later wonder what happened the time. ( Look at the kitties!) Or you anxiously await your friends "Likes"and ponder when you turned into a lab rat pressing the lever for pellets. A German study showed that one in three people say they feel worse after spending time on Facebook than they did before, with " worse" meaning lonely, frustrated, and /or sad. Another study showed that the more people used Facebook , the worse they felt. Researchers call this " Facebook depression. " So much for the joy of connecting with friends. And that thing about the lab rat? its true: being on social media can feed your brains tendency toward addiction. It wants reward , and whats more rewarding than seeing a thumbs-up on your post? One stu...


Any exercise is good for your brain, but walking in particular has some significant benefits. researchers at New Mexico Highlands University found that " the foots impact during walking sends pressure waves through the the arteries that significantly modify and can increase the supply of blood to the brain " ( ). Furthermore, walking elevate your mood, which is good. And when you`r wrestling with a knotty problem, a long walk can stimulate the creative centers of your brain, helping you to figure out a resolution. there`s also evidence that walking improves your memory skills. So put on those walking shows and get started. These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social media . They include extracts of copyright works copied under copyright licenses download or print from it for your own use. You may not download or make a further copy for any other purpose. Failure to com...


If you are like most people in the world, you have a dominate hand --one hand that handles most tasks. call it your go-to hand. If we had to guess, would say you are right-handed ( about 90 percent of people are) only a tiny percentage --about 1 percent --of people use both hands equally ( this is referred to as being ambidextrous). This is because you brain is lazy. For one-handed tasks, such as writing a note, it defaults to same-old, same -old. One way to ward off cognitive decline is to get out of this rut. You need to stimulate your brain --make it do something in a new way. Since the left side of your brain controls the motor  function on the right side of your body ( and vice versa), by switching which hand you do a task with, you'll light up a different part of you brain. For example, brush your teeth with your nondominant hand. Put your fork in your nondominant and eat your dinner that way ( Bonus points for not spilling all ever your shirt). The fact that thes...


Everything your body does, from warding off infection to digesting your dinner to sending blood to your brain, occurs through a process called metabolism. During metabolism, c ells break down chemicals and nutrients to generate energy and form new molecules, like proteins. Metabolism in brain cells affects how information is signaled,  according to a recent study by McGill University and university of Zurich researchers. Researchers concluded that this is why a special diet can help some individuals with seizure disorder control their seizures. In other words, there is a link between how brains cell create energy and how the communicate, Brain glucose metabolism also affects brain function, particularly memory, Research shows that maintaining stable glucose concentrations in your brain is healthier for your brain, and that levels that are too  high or low have a negative effect on brain function. To fast-track your metabolism: Start off your day with breakfast. This...


Your Brains loves carotenoids, which, among other things, help chase away free radicals before they can do too much damage. And tomatoes have lots of carotenoids, so eat up! in recent research, people with cognitive problems and those with Alzheimer's all showed higher levels of carotenoids in their blood after eating tomatoes, When you cook down tomatoes you actually make it easier for your body to  absorb the carotenoids, so ladle on the marinara, Since carotenoids are fat-soluble, a little olive oil in the sauce helps your body absorb even more of these do-good chemicals, but don't  skin them! That is where much of the nutrition hangs out. These articles may be used only for Educational Purposes.  You can share it with your friends and families through social media . They include extracts of copyright works copied under copyright licenses download or print from it for your own use. You may not download or make a further copy for any other purpose. Failure to...