Eat food as a medicine, not medicine as a food!
A study shows that eating exactly seven walnuts a day boosts your brain power. Researchers show that spending at least sixty-eight minutes a day doing aerobic exercise is best for your brain. The list goes on. The number of best practices for your brain is long and a little daunting. Learning how to pick the " better " option instead of struggling to attain the " best " one can help. Trying to achieve protection is the enemy of making progress. Sure, maybe ninety minutes of aerobics a day is ideal, but a brisk thirty-minutes walk every afternoon is much better than remaining glued to the sofa. Think of it this way: there`s a poor choice, a better choice, and best choices. You want to avoid the poor choice, pick as many best choices as you can, and for the rest, go with " better" It`s better for your brain health if you make some good choices rather than none- or give up because it seems too hard. For example, you know that the saturated fats in cheese make it food to avoid. But if you love cheese and can`t imagine living without it, pick a aged cheddar. That`s much better for you than a processed slice of goop. When making choice, ask yourself " What`s better? "
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