The first or second page you may encounter. We programed to age. I am sure some of the reader or researcher stop reading the entire book, they thought we got it, there's no way exit. Of course, we can die at any age!
In the United States aging start at the age of 10 to 11
Men have higher probability of death at any ages then woman.
Men die twice as frequently as women.
Men age twice then woman.
Women live longer than men not because they age more slowly, but because they are less intrinsically fragile. So, aging and longevity are not exactly the same.
Try experiment, Put some house flies in the refrigerator. if you have chosen you temperature correctly and provide sufficient food, they might live as much as 10 times.
the reason chilled flies live longer is no mystery. You have slowed down all their physiological processes, because all biochemical processes are slowed by cold.
Metabolism is the game changer, metabolism is nothing more than a cold, control fire; that is, metabolism is like a fire that uses oxygen to turn organic molecules of wood into carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy in the form of heat. In the case of our bodies, metabolism uses the oxygen to turn the organic molecules of food we digest into the carbon dioxide.
the main difference between fire and metabolism is that metabolism releases energy more slowly and in more highly controlled way.
but fires --even controlled fires --can be damaging. vehicles engines!
In the late nineteenth century, the world-renowned physician Charles-Edouard Brown-Sequard acquired the belief that injections of extracts from the testicles of various animals.
would relieve many of the physical ailments of again. Hold on a second don't experiment.
to test his beliefs, Brwon-Sequard followed a find, but alas vanishing, medical tradition of experimenting on himself. At age 72, he began injecting himself with extracts from dog and guinea pig testicles. He observed that he suddenly felt stronger and more mentally and physically vigorous, and even his control over bladder and bowels had improved.
Eddie Andrade was a fitness enthusiast. He boxed, jogged, bicycled, pumped iron, swam, and was a fitness coach for others. He neither smocked nor drank alcohol and followed his wonderful discipline, at 65, Andrade looked like 30 years old, on May 18, 1993, Eddie Andrade stepped to the edge of a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean near a jogging trail where he had run some of his toughest miles and put a bullet in his brain. The note he left was, (Too Much Pain). In the few months before his suicide his body had begun to fail, according to his own maniacally rigorous standards, his pulse rate had risen a bit. Several back spasms had left him writhing on the floor of the weight room. he has developed a hernia, in short, he become irrationally worried about prostate cancer. Andrade had discovered that even the best exercise and diet plan could not overcome the inevitability of aging. Only realization was the pain that killed him.
Glucose + Oxygen --> Energy + Carbon Dioxide + Water
Now it becomes apparent why respirations more precisely called aerobic respiration. It requires oxygen.
aerobic respiration we also call it, metabolism glucose and oxygen the two molecules we most desperately need to live, both lead to the formation of unavoidable and injurious byproducts that seems to be centrally involved in the again process.
Exercise: increase oxygen consumption, or in other words, the metabolic rate. that is way exercise is so useful for losing weight, metabolism leads to increased oxidant production.
too much oxygen support free radicals, and free radicals can damage our cells including Brain Cells that is why no rash for more oxygen, your body system knows how much is enough.
Once we get less young, we encounter lack of reproduction of cells, that is way exercise is essential.
If you ask a neurologist why we age, they might say that again occurs because of accumulated damage to neurons --Brian cells that are never renewed after birth.
Cardiologist might attribute again to damage in heart and arteries that gradually reduce blood flow to certain vital areas.
A cell biologist is likely to point out how free oxygen radicals, highly damaging molecules produced by normal metabolic process, eventually is bit difficult to end up with hundreds of theories.
Why age faster? Stress, depression, hormones changed, chronic disease, unhealthy foods, unhealthy environment, lack of exercise.
Reason for longevity? for the most parts, Thanks to scientist Alexander Fleming, who invited antibiotics! Antibiotics are medicines that fight infections caused by bacteria in humans and animals by either killing the bacteria or making it difficult for the bacteria to grow and multiply.
Eat spicy goods, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Melatonin, Selegiline (deprenyl) and Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
Life's three universal rules "1" You can't win "2" You have to lose "3" There's only one way to get out of the game (AN Anonymouses Cynic)
Note: from among 170 countries that repot demographic information to the United Nations, but Only
(Nepal, Maldives, India, Iran, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Bhutan), report greater life expectancy for men and woman, and of course modernize countries with better technologies.
One of my highly recommend book, it's full of mystery.
My Highlighted from "Why We Age" Steven N. Austad
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