What help me the most after 30 years? The four agreements (Book). What are these agreements?
Be impeccable with
your words: Speak with integrity, avoid gossip, and use your words to spread
truth and love. Avoid to spry bad words. it will be against you! Avoid black-magic never say bad word to someone, because it will become your diseases. try to say good word during of communication.
2. Don't take anything personally: Recognize that others' actions and words reflect their own reality, not necessarily the truth about you. what is black-magic when someone say some bad word about you and you know it's not you. then do not take it personally.
black magic= bad word like "your lazy person"
white magic= " you look amazing today"
Don't make
assumptions: Communicate clearly and ask for clarification when needed, rather
than assuming and creating unnecessary misunderstandings. whatever you think it's not necessary to be true! imagination is way different then reality!!! if you do not go you never know! "48 Law of power"book. Law 11, Avoid unlucky and unhappy. you cant help people!
4. Always do your best: Strive for excellence in all that you do, while recognizing that your best effort may vary depending on the circumstances. My chemistry teacher taught me
"either do something completely or never do it!
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Thank you for reading. I am glad if I could help.
Elyas Hassanzai,
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