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Here are some of the common causes for mental fuzziness and what to do about them.

Lack of focus and concentration are among the more common symptoms of depression. Major depression can sometimes make it impossible to work or study effectively, and may require medical treatment.
Sleep deprivation
Disturbed sleep can lead to a lack of focus the following day. Prolonged sleep disturbances may require a doctor’s visit to uncover and treat any underlying cause.
Alcohol or drug abuse
Dependency on alcohol or recreational drugs may cause the brain to function less than optimally. Even prescribed medication may have this effect, so check with your doctor.
Hormonal changes
While the effect of pregnancy on the brain is a subject of debate among experts, many women report forgetfulness and focus problems in the later months.
Menopause can likewise cause a temporary disruption to mental acuity, according to a recent study by the University of Rochester Medical Centre in America.
A blood flow problem in the brain can cause changes in the organ, resulting in – sometimes severe – memory loss or failure to concentrate. Occupational therapy can help rebuild some mental skills.
Thyroid problems
An underactive thyroid can result in a change in brain cell activity. Thyroid treatment may include replacement medication.
Weakness and exhaustion can result from the lack of red blood cells, as oxygen is not transported properly in the body. Anaemia is successfully treated by lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements.
Head injury
 A knock on the head when playing sport can cause temporary confusion, while a more serious injury like a car accident could cause permanent damage, leading to concentration difficulties. In older adults, a fall is a common cause of injury and could result in confusion. Getting immediate treatment after an injury is vital to keep damage to a minimum.
Diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease cause damage to the brain, and short-term memory loss is often one of the first signs. Various medications are used to change the progression of the disease and improve some of the effects.

Guidance by improving concentration levels.

·         Keep your mind active and stimulated with brain games and exercises
·         Try meditation, or some kind of relaxation technique to help improve your attention span
·         Challenge your mind and learn something new, such as doing a short course or learning a new language
·         Exercise regularly and keep active
·         Use an app or some other system of recording information to help you keep track of tasks and improve your productivity
·         Try to eat a diet high in good fats (including omega fatty acids) and low in saturated fat
·         Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water
·         Avoid consuming too much caffeinated or alcoholic beverages
·         Don’t overload your mind with too much at once – multitasking is not always a good thing
·         Prioritise your tasks and focus on completing bigger job first, then smaller jobs later



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