You know that worrying doesn't solve anything, but it's still an easy habit to fall into. Excessive, habitual worrying keeps your brain running around in circles. Often this puts you in fight-or-fight mode, which stresses you entire body --particularly you brain. Nearly 20 percent of adult struggle with anxiety disorders --what might be called worrying run amok. Chronic worrying can contribute to the development of psychiatric problems. When worry your brain produce more cortisol, a stress hormones, which can destroy brain cells and create memory and learning problem. But you can train your brain to think positive. Cognitive therapy emphasize using positive using positive thought to help you change your emotions. This helps the rational part of your brain (the cortex) get control over the irrational part (the limbic system). If you can think before you feel (or at least learn to think faster after you fell), you can reduce the amount of worry you experience. Going worry-free benefit you brain!
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