Your brain doesn't exist on its own, it's part of your body. And unlike in Vegas, what happens in other parts of your body doesn't necessarily stay there. For example, people with type 2 diabetes are known to be at increased risk for dementia, including Alzheimer's, although research has not yet determined the specific mechanisms for why this is so. Even being prdiabetic ( insulin resistant) is a risk factor. Researchers haven't proven that controlling your blood surge will reduce your likelihood of dementia, but it's a safe step to take given the strong correlation. At worst, by controlling your blood sugar you'll reduce your chance of having diabetes ( or get it under better control), which is a legitimate goal all by itself. Controlling your blood sugar is a lot like protecting your brain, you must eat right, exercise, drink enough water, and control stress. So that you can effectively address your particular situation, you should work with your healthcare provider to monitor your blood sugar levels.
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