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Showing posts from February, 2020


 Do you avoid interdiction because you can not remember people's names? Have you forgotten someone's name almost before you've said the word " Pleased to meet you"? You and include me need to learn five memory tricks. Pay Attention it sounds obvious, but most of us are so caught up with how we are coming across smiling, shaking hands, keeping eye contact, kissing cheeks that we do not listen to the name. Use It or Lose It When you are introduce to someone, use their name many times while your talking to them. You will fix their name in your memory with constant repetition, plus it will sound like you're really interested in them. People love it when you use their names. it makes them feel special. Little do the know that you're playing a memory game. Association Game This is what I am using most of the time but mine is if I had John named friend if I meet someone with the same name I store it in my memory associated with my older friend name....


The brain has two distinct hemispheres, each responsible for different things. The logical and linguistic left side  does all the reasoning and logical thinking, processes speech, and controls the right side of your body. The creative right side controls your imagination, spatial awareness, creative ability, and the left side of your body. The two halves communicate via a thread of nerves called corpus callosum. Just as we are right-or left-handed, we all have a dominate side. but it is possible to reinforce the communication between two sides of your brain. These exercise are based on the findings of neurophysiologist and educator Carla Hannaford, Ph.D ..and Brain Gym creator,, Paul Dennison (see ). They encourage use of the whole body in the learning process for dramatic improvements in concentration memory, reading, writing, organizing, listening, and physical coordination. Drink Water Dehydration is one of the major causes of the poor concentration. ...


Speed reading is not magic or something that only mentalists can achieves, but it does require you to relearn the way that you currently read to correct some of the habits that may be slowing you down. First, it is important to establish that reading faster can actually improve your comprehension rather than reduce it. An average person reads about 200 words per minute with about 60 percent comprehension, wheres a speed reader can read as many as 1,000 words per minute with about 85 percent comprehension. Comprehension increase with speed because it allows the brain to see the bigger picture, to contextualize and because a person completes a reading task quicker, it is less tiring and concentration is greater. Factors and habits that reduce reading rate: Reading word by word  Feeling the need to hear the words to understand what is being read Position of the page  Poor concentration and moments of inattention  Unclear reading function  Listing music...


Changing your thinking is the single most important thing you can do to improve your health! How you think determines what you eat; how often you exercise; how you react to stress; you mood; your goals; ambitions, and disappointments; the risks you take; and how much sleep you get. In short healthy thinking is what keeps you well. Doctors don't fully understand the link between thinking and health, but most agree that with your mind, you can boost your immune system, recover from surgery quicker, reduce pain, and live longer, in 1969. Dr Carl Simonton and his wife, a psychologist, led research in the use of visualization in cancer cells lived comparatively longer than those who did not practice imaging. Remember those Type A personalities whom we all thought should be keeling over with heart attacks about now?  Well some of them are, but you're 10 time more likely to have a heart attack if you're a Type D personality --an anxious and gloomy person who moans when he...