The title sounds very ridiculous, top of that I am not biologist, don't flip the page. read the article to the end and you would be agreeing with me! As human beings,we are social creatures by nature, we like to have pets but not all the time, because this is not what we designed for, we are not birds to fly to the sky, we are not wild animals to don't care, because they do not have human level feeling or perception! We don't like feeling alone, and our bodies and brains actually function better when we are surrounded by others. If you google about "Why humans are necessary for other human?" I am sure you will find thousand of articles. Lets see what Psychologist said about it. Whether a person lives in isolation or not, feeling a lack of social connectedness can be painful plus being alone can result in negative reactions related to loneliness (sadness, hopelessness so on.. ) and also psychologist recommend to share your feeling. Now we need to find out to who ...