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Showing posts from June, 2020

Why We Need Vitamin ( P ) ?

The title sounds very ridiculous, top of that I am not biologist, don't flip the page. read the article to the end and you would be agreeing with me!  As human beings,we are social creatures by nature, we like to have pets but not all the time, because this is not what we designed for, we are not birds to fly to the sky, we are not wild  animals to don't care, because they do not have human level feeling or perception! We don't like feeling alone, and our bodies and brains actually function better when we are surrounded by others. If you google about "Why humans are necessary for other human?" I am sure you will find thousand of articles. Lets see what Psychologist said about it. Whether a person lives in isolation or not, feeling a lack of social connectedness can be painful plus being alone can result in negative reactions related to loneliness (sadness, hopelessness so on.. ) and also psychologist recommend to share your feeling. Now we need to find out to who ...

What Do You Mean By Rational Animal ?

I think before we start talking who deserved to be rational ? First we need to find out the proper definition of rationality, as I was searching about meaning of the Rationality I found that it has different specialized meanings in Philosophy, Economics, Sociology, Psychology and so on. Since I interest in philosophy I thought it would be better to share some philosopher theory and my opinion.   According to Aristotle, humans are the rational animal. The borderline between rational and irrationality is fundamental to many aspects of human life including the law, mental health, and language interpretation. And my opinion is that we are a thinking center and thinking itself is a parts of reasoning. When do we think? whenever we try to find solutions for problems or before doing something we are tend to grasp the reasoning, since we are rational creature, sharing, arguing, discussing, working together are enough witness, to believe that we are the best creature ever! And yes we are a ...